I recently completed a Narrative Design Udemy course. The course had a great set of assignments and I decided to add a few here as a blog.
Starting with this Basic Character DNA. The image below is just for reference.
Lady Stork Nia
Nia was born in a poor family that lived in Stornik close to the banks of River Zemphe. Her family was mostly farmers. As a young girl, she wasn’t interested in farming and loved archery. She dreamt of being the Lady Stork someday but never worked towards it. In YN 8047, she noticed some commotion on the other side of the River Zemphe. A few days later the news started to spread across Stornik about a revolution in Jaqubi. Many people fled from Jaqubi and sought refuge in the outskirts of Stornik. The plight of the people set her heart ablaze and she started preparing for the Stor. A fight for the current leader/ contenders to elect the new leader.
She came victorious in the Stor and becomes the youngest Lady Stork. In YN 8053, when Jaq Alphonse breaks the treaty she decides to wage war against him. She does this for the sake of the people who suffered in his kingdom and the refugees who are away from their homeland.

Casting Sheet
Name: Lady Stork Nia
Nickname: Nia
Clan: Stornik
Race: Neanderthal
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 38kgs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Scars: Scar on the right wrist and scrapped left knee
Tattoo: Markings on the neck, right upper arm
Introducing themselves
Greetings, I am Lady Stork Nia. Pride of Stornik. Daughter of Zemphe. [Formal]
Ame Ame (hello hello), I am Nia and I want to be the Lady Stork someday! [Young Nia, chirpy]
I am the Lady Stork of Stornik.. Nia. I hope you don’t forget. [Angry]
Nia… Just call me Nia. [Humble]
Ame (hello), I am Nia the Lady Stork and Daughter of Zemphe and You? [Friendly]
Positive reactions to an enemy soldier being killed
Pray! Pray for this lost soul. [Calm]
You chose vengeance, I pray you to seek rest in the afterlife [Enraged]
Blend into the same dust that you were born of. [Anger]
Check if he is alive, Help him….. Oh… The world lost a warrior. [Humble]
Rest, find silence and free yourself from the sorrows of the world. [Mournful]
Outburst made in the middle of fierce combat
Dedicate your hearts and FIGHT!!! [Warcry]
For Stornik!!! ATTACK!! [Warcry]
You went against the best, You shall face my wrath [Anger]
Riz! Riz! Give me a spear! Now! [Asking favour]
The look of fear in your eyes disgusts me. [Taunting]